Streams and lagoons

The enchanting ecosystem of biodiversity in Southwest Sardinia

In the captivating territory of Sulcis Iglesiente, nature unfolds its beauty through lagoons and streams, places with a precious floral and faunal ecosystem.

Lagoons are natural jewels, habitats for rare and migratory species that seek refuge in these tranquil waters. Immerse yourself in a unique ecosystem where flora and fauna intertwine in perfect balance. Take silent walks along the paths, letting yourself be lulled by the sweet song of birds that inhabit this oasis of peace.

The streams of Sulcis Iglesiente are true guardians of the geological history of this land, like the stream that flows through the canyon of Gutturu Mannu Park, shaping the landscape with the force of time. Along these watercourses, discover panoramas covered in Mediterranean scrub, inviting you to a rejuvenating pause.

In this corner of Sardinia, nature takes center stage, offering you the opportunity to experience something authentic and untouched. Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the lagoons and streams of Sulcis-Iglesiente, a sensory journey through the history and beauty of this marvelous land.

Streams and lagoons
southwest Sardinia

Santa Caterina Lagoon, Porto Botte Pond, a Site of Community Interest (SCI), Sic Promontory Area, with dunes and the wetland of Porto Pino, especially Is Brebeis Pond: these are just some of the spectacular places where you can encounter numerous water migratory birds, such as red herons, Italian knights, marsh harriers, the perfect spot for birdwatching enthusiasts and ornithologists, ideal to observe the unique flora that thrives in these places, such as samphire or maritime pine.

Streams and Lagoons in Southwest Sardinia